Domo-kun Cute

Welcome & Hollah ! (=

Welcome to the page of my thoughts. (:
Look forward to many rants & spazz moments!~ ^^;

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Thursday, April 26, 2012

Don't you just love that feeling when you do decent when you put minimal work into doing it? I had an english project to do & I completely winged it. We had to give a speech and research it. LOL, as the lazy ass mofo I am, i picked i have a dream cuz that's like the easiest speech ever! I didn't have to research shit & i already knew exactly what i would write for my essay with little work. we had to memorize the first three lines of our speech. i didn't memorize anything lmao. i forgot by the time i got past the first 5 words. but i got a grade of 87% hollahhh!

Then today this girl asked me what I got and I'm like 87% & she's like oh really? I got an 88%. I tried really hard though, I put a lot of work into it and she only gave me an 88%. HAHAHAH minimal work ftw. People try really hard given, but don't give yourselves unnecessary work by picking things you've never heard of forcing yourself to research. Just get the job done, that's what I did and just as good a grade as someone who "tried really hard"

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

It takes my brother twice as long as it takes me to take a shower. Wtf.

Oh my god. I think I've been lied to all my life.

Kindergarten is spelled with a t and not a d. WHAAAT!

I thought it was kindergarden all along... kinder garten not kinder garden fffuuu.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Monday, April 16, 2012

LOOOL jesus christ the accuracy in this picture.
4 collaterals to due, all next week, no biggie it's not like i just came back from a week off or anything.

wtf. they're all due on the same day too. are you kidding me...

geometry- don't even know who my partner is lmao.
english- couldn't figure out the stupid dewey decimal system so wasn't able to find the books i needed.
spanish- wasting 3 hours of my life tmrw to watch some play or something or idk! teacher didn't even tell me. it's either that or write 4 pages on a cultural dance or something.
ap world- research, make food, draw map. aiyaaaaaaaa D:

approx 44 more days until school. not including regents week. yeee.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Oh no, picnik's closing soon ):

At least less girls will have over edited profile pictures now. :D

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

The week before break:
-Extremely long
-A huge amount of crammed tests & quizzes
-Did I mention it was long?

-Did it ever come?

Monday, April 2, 2012