Domo-kun Cute

Welcome & Hollah ! (=

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Look forward to many rants & spazz moments!~ ^^;

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Monday, October 13, 2014

Day 12: Describe a typical day in your current life

Yikes. Sorry for the lack of posts. I kept forgetting to make a post or didn't have any time.

Anyways, what life? Haha, literally once school has started my whole life has just began to revolve around school once more. Every day is pretty much the same. I wake up in the morning (at 5:50 AM/7:30 AM/9 AM) depending on the day. Some days I get to sleep in more than others. Then, I get ready and head out to school. My classes consist of Volleyball, Humanities, Microeconomics, AP Psych, Advanced Topics in Math, US Government and AP Calc. I have a lot of free time during the school day b/c I'm a senior hehe. After I finish all my classes, I head home. On Tuesdays and Thursdays after school, I eat and then head out shortly after I get home to go work at Kumon. At Kumon, I help out lil kiddies do their work (I hate them, hate kids =_=) Then, after that, I usually get home around 8:30. Pretty much at this point, it's late and I have to do HW. So I usually give myself a lil break, eat dinner, shower, watch some Youtube videos and then do homework. Before I know it, it's 11PM and I go to sleep.

Yup. That's a day in my life. Love school.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Day 11: Describe 10 pet peeves you have

1. When people cancel plans. Absolutely hate it. Don't get me hyped up for something if you're going to cancel in the end because you're too lazy to go out all of a sudden.
2. When people touch my things and moreover, move my things. I put my things in certain places that I'm able to remember them in. If you move them, I feel cluttered and out of place.
3. When the MTA can't get their shit together and insists that everyone gets off at Mets Willets point when the final stop, Flushing, is only a stop away
4. When little kids don't want to do their work when they're at Kumon. Why are you here if you don't want to do anything?!
5. When my mom wakes up earlier than I need to wake up. Those extra minutes always count!!!!
6. When group members don't pull their weight in a group project. Don't expect to get credit for something you didn't do.
7. When people talk to me early in the morning. If I'm on the train, trying to sleep, please leave me alone. Don't talk to me with an enthusiastic preppy attitude, I'm not feeling it.
8. When girls announce that they're on their period. I get that it sucks and all, but is there really a need to announce it every time?
9. When internet is slow and nothing loads. Haha, goes to show you how heavily we rely on internet nowadays, but I can't help but get annoyed
10. When bus drivers skip my stop because they see that there's 38402749032 kids who are all trying to get on the bus because we all need to get home. Inconsiderate much?

Friday, September 26, 2014

Absolutely been loving the time lapse feature on iPhone. Blogger completely butchered the quality though.
(Taken in Times Square, New York)

Titanic Moment :')

Day 10: Describe your most embarrassing moment

My most embarrassing moment was probably when I was walking home from the drugstore one day and my flip flop broke. I was at least 20 minutes away from my house and there weren't any shoe stores near by, so I resorted to using a plastic bag to make my shoe close to wearable. I literally tied the plastic bag around the strap of my flip flop and I walked home. It was so embarrassing, you have no idea. I thought everyone was watching me and laughing at me because I had a plastic bag attached to my shoe. But hey, you gotta improvise right? Who knows, maybe I can start a trend with this.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Day 9: List 10 people who have influenced you and describe how

1. My friends. All of them. I wouldn't be who I am without them. Each one of them is a different part of me.
2. My parents. Had they not enforced such strict rules and high standards on me since I was a little kid, I probably wouldn't have taken school so seriously. I thank them for that. I know that everything they did for me was for my own good.
3. My aunt. She really gave me a reality check, haha. I've been way too carefree and selfish and she helped me realize that.
4. Our screwed up generation. Thank you, really. I was able to realize exactly what I did NOT want to be like in the future.

I honestly can't think of anyone else. Perhaps, I'll come back to this later. But ultimately, everyone I've encountered influenced me in some way. It's hard to really pinpoint one person.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Day 8: What are 5 passions you have?

Hmmm. What am I passionate about? To be honest, I don't think I've quite found anything that I'm passionate about. All I can think of that comes close right now is music. I really do like playing the piano a lot and I'm proud of the fact that I know how to play it. But other than that, I got nothing.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Day 7: What is your dream job, and why?

My dream jobs include getting paid for sleeping (or even testing beds), eating food (maybe even critiquing foods), and sitting in front of the computer. Oh, how I would love to be paid for things I enjoy most. #wishfulthinking

In all seriousness though, my dream job is something that lets me travel the world. There are so many parts of this world that have great things to offer that I'm missing out on. I would absolutely love the opportunity to truly experience all the beauties in this world for myself.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Day 6: What is the hardest thing you have ever experienced?

I'm not really sure to be honest. Fortunately, I have not yet experienced anything that's exactly "difficult" so I can't really pick out a particular moment. I mean, given, there have been highs and lows but for the most part, I've been blessed with a pretty carefree life.